Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Introduction: FLL is...

FIRST LEGO League is a volunteer-led program open to students in grades 4-8.  Over 20,000 students in 60 countries participate each year.  
Teams of up to 10 students will research and present a project on the 2012 Challenge Topic of “Senior Solutions” and will design, build, and program LEGO robots.  
The Hawaii season is from September-December, with a district tournament on a Saturday in November.  If the Priory team makes it to the state championship, that will be Saturday, December 1, 2012, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM.  A generous donor is supporting the creation of a team from St. Andrew’s Priory. Priory Students have until 4  PM, September 7, to deliver their application forms to the technology room.

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